Gurmukh is Godly, and Has All Virtues; He (gurmukh) is the ocean of virtues, pure and truthful. :- [1. GGS pp. 905].
You calculate the auspicious days, but you do not understand that the One Creator Lord is above these auspicious days.
He alone knows the way, who meets the Guru.
When one follows the Guru’s Teachings, then he realizes the Hukam of God’s Command. || 1 ||
Do not tell lies, O Pandit! O religious scholar! speak the Truth.
When egotism is eradicated through the Word of the Shabad, then one finds His home. || 1 || Pause ||
Calculating and counting, the astrologer draws the horoscope.
He studies it and announces it, but he does not understand reality.
Understand, that the Word of the Guru’s Shabad is above all.
Do not speak of anything else; it is all just ashes. || 2 ||
You bathe, wash, and worship stones.
But without being imbued with the Lord, you are the filthiest of the filthy.
Subduing your pride, you shall receive the supreme wealth of God.
The mortal is liberated and emancipated, meditating on the Lord. || 3 ||
You study the arguments, but do not contemplate the Vedas.
You drown yourself — how will you save your ancestors?
How rare is that person who realizes that God is in each and every heart.
When one meets the True Guru, then he understands. || 4 ||
Making his calculations, cynicism and suffering afflict his soul.
Seeking the Sanctuary of the Guru, peace is found.
I sinned and made mistakes, but now I seek Your Sanctuary.
The Guru led me to meet the Lord, according to my past actions. || 5 ||
If one does not enter the Guru’s Sanctuary, God cannot be found.
Deluded by doubt, one is born, only to die, and come back again.
Dying in corruption, he is bound and gagged at Death’s door.
The Naam, the Name of the Lord, is not in his heart, and he does not act according to the Shabad. || 6 ||
Some call themselves Pandits, religious scholars and spiritual teachers.
Tinged with double-mindedness, they do not find the Mansion of the Lord’s Presence.
One who takes the Support of the Naam, by Guru’s Grace, is a rare person, one among millions, incomparable. || 7 ||
One is bad, and another good, but the One True Lord is contained in all.
Understand this, O spiritual teacher, through the support of the True Guru: rare indeed is that Gurmukh, who realizes the One Lord.
His comings and goings cease, and he merges in the Lord. || 8 ||
Those who have the One Universal Creator Lord within their hearts, possess all virtues; they contemplate the True Lord.
One who acts in harmony with the Guru’s Will, O Nanak! is absorbed in the Truest of the True. || 9 || 4 ||
Practicing restraint by Hatha Yoga, the body wears away.
The mind is not softened by fasting or austerities.
Nothing else is equal to worship of the Lord’s Name. || 1 ||
Serve the Guru, O mind, and associate with the humble servants of the Lord.
The tyrannical Messenger of Death cannot touch you, and the serpent of Maya cannot sting you, when you drink in the sublime essence of the Lord. || 1 || Pause ||
The world reads the arguments, and is softened only by music.
In the three modes and corruption, they are born and die.
Without the Lord’s Name, they endure suffering and pain. || 2 ||
The Yogi draws the breath upwards, and opens the Tenth Gate.
He practices inner cleansing and the six rituals of purification. But without the Lord’s Name, the breath he draws is useless. || 3 ||
The fire of the five passions burns within him; how can he be calm?
The thief is within him; how can he taste the taste?
One who becomes Gurmukh conquers the body-fortress. || 4 ||
With filth within, he wanders around at places of pilgrimage.
His mind is not pure, so what is the use of performing ritual cleansings?
He carries the karma of his own past actions; who else can he blame? || 5 ||
He does not eat food; he tortures his body.
Without the Guru’s wisdom, he is not satisfied.
The self-willed manmukh is born only to die, and be born again. || 6 ||
Go, and ask the True Guru, and associate with the Lord’s humble servants.
Your mind shall merge into the Lord, and you shall not be reincarnated to die again.
Without the Lord’s Name, what can anyone do? || 7 ||
Silence the mouse scurrying around within you.
Serve the Primal Lord, by chanting the Lord’s Name. O Nanak! God blesses us with His Name, when He grants His Grace. || 8 || 5 ||
The created Universe emanated from within You; there is no other at all.
Whatever is said to be, is from You, O God. He is the True Lord and Master, throughout the ages.
Creation and destruction do not come from anyone else. || 1 ||
Such is my Lord and Master, profound and unfathomable.
Whoever meditates on Him, finds peace.
The arrow of the Messenger of Death does not strike one who has the Name of the Lord. || 1 || Pause ||
The Naam, the Name of the Lord, is a priceless jewel, a diamond.
The True Lord Master is immortal and immeasurable.
That tongue which chants the True Name is pure.
The True Lord is in the home of the self; there is no doubt about it. || 2 ||
Some sit in the forests, and some make their home in the mountains.
Forgetting the Naam, they rot away in egotistical pride.
Without the Naam, what is the use of spiritual wisdom and meditation?
The Gurmukhs are honored in the Court of the Lord. || 3 ||
Acting stubbornly in egotism, one does not find the Lord.
Studying the scriptures, reading them to other people, and wandering around at places of pilgrimage, the disease is not taken away.
Without the Naam, how can one find peace? || 4 ||
No matter how much he tries, he cannot control his semen and seed.
His mind wavers, and he falls into hell.
Bound and gagged in the City of Death, he is tortured.
Without the Name, his soul cries out in agony. || 5 ||
The many Siddhas and seekers, silent sages and demi-gods cannot satisfy themselves by practicing restraint through Hatha Yoga.
One who contemplates the Word of the Shabad, and serves the Guru — his mind and body become immaculate, and his egotistical pride is obliterated. || 6 ||
Blessed with Your Grace, I obtain the True Name.
I remain in Your Sanctuary, in loving devotion.
Love for Your devotional worship has welled up within me.
As Gurmukh, I chant and meditate on the Lord’s Name. || 7 || When one is rid of egotism and pride, his mind is drenched in the Lord’s Love.
Practicing fraud and hypocrisy, he does not find God.
Without the Word of the Guru’s Shabad, he cannot find the Lord’s Door.
O Nanak! the Gurmukh contemplates the essence of reality. || 8 || 6 ||
[1. GGS pp. 905].
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